The Core Domain Ubiquitous Technology
Provision of a Ubiquitous Technology Environment
This new century is based on the digital revolution that began at the end of the prior century. Broadband wireless, where available, brings with it nearly unlimited access to communication, information, data analysis, and business opportunities. As compared to just a decade ago, a person’s age is no longer a proxy for the so-called digital divide, defined as between digital immigrants (older Americans who grew up prior to the advent of widespread digital technology) vs. digital natives (younger Americans who were born into a post personal computer and digital world). Now, geography and socio-economic status serve as the arbiters as to the degree of digital connectivity available to any citizen. By direct extension, these same two factors control the size of the digital skill set that any individual can accrue and use to elevate their marketability as a member of the global workforce.
After more than two decades of broadband deployment, the equivalent time of a human generation, broadband access remains largely concentrated in metropolitan and suburban areas. This differential deployment is reflected in areal coverage, transmission speed, level of technology and provider availability
The provision of ubiquitous technology is absolutely essential to achieve significant and substantial goals related to reinvigorating the vitality of the academic, economic, social, cultural and personal wellness enterprises across the American Heartland.
The core domain of Tech-YOU-Topia speaks directly to the establishment of a ubiquitous technology environment including implementation of the full breadth of currently available digital capabilities. These capabilities fall into several categories: communication; information; analytics; micro-manufacturing/fabrication; research and development; security; and individual holistic health and wellness. Every one of these areas of technology is dependent upon a single, underlying, essential platform: high-speed broadband.
Tech-YOU-Topia will provide high-speed Internet connectivity to the governments, businesses, schools, faith-based communities, and individual homes in the rural Heartland. This is completely doable because the provision of high-speed broadband will be directly coupled to the deployment of a fiber-optic backbone associated with the cyber security-based hardening of the rural electric power grid.