a 501(C)(3) Corp.
A national constellation of locally owned and operated Tech-YOU-Topia Centers that create new businesses to provide novel and innovative services to the global marketplace.

Tech-YOU-Topia = Technology +YOU + Topia
TECH - A dynamic and sustainable fabric built upon fun and a rewarding future for individuals, communities, and our national economy maximizing the collective power of
YOU - By promoting local collaboration and national networking to build interdisciplinary teams that combine insights and experience to find and share sound solutions to real needs and problems.
TOPIA - Implies that we begin realizing our ideals here and now. To be "Topian" is to act as if the world we envision as ideal already exists and we are among its first citizens.

The Core Domain Ubiquitous Technology
Tech-YOU-Topia provides computational power typically only found in industry, research centers and universities
Communications, Analytics, Rapid Fabrication ‘Makerspaces’, Research and Development, Security, and Wellness.

Revenue Generation
New Business Models Support Economic Growth and Diversification
Tech-YOU-Topia is serious about creating an entire new cohort of rural entrepreneurs, especially young entrepreneurs who will serve as role models to peers and resources to small communities

Academic Attainment
Gaining Marketable Skills, Earning Certificates, or Learning for Self-Satisfaction, Knowledge is the Basis for Personal Growth and Prosperity.

Cultural Exploration and Fulfillment
The Arts, Music, and Theatre Nurture, and
Enrich Our Lives

Built Environment
One of the goals for every Tech-YOU--Topia center is to reflect local ownership. The Tech-YOU--Centers will be designed to be visually appealing and welcoming and each Tech-YOU--Topia Center will, by its specific design, reflect the local history and culture of the local citizenry.